Soul's realm is found by listening, seeing, and knowing differently

What is Soul's realm? How to find it? Why do we care?
What is it?
Soul's realm is hard to talk about.
It is invisible, mysterious, often dismissed as unreal,
and outside of the familiar limitations of time and space.
It is the other half of ourselves, invisible, precious,
and sometimes terrifying because it is unknown.
It is not measurable, or scientifically definable
Learning soul's language invites an adventure,
a journey led by inspiration, dreams, and synchronicities,
connections with an invisible wisdom realm--
a soul pursuit!
Soul's realm awaits everyone.
Once experienced there is often a longing for more,and a determination to weave it more fully into life.
How do we find it?
Whispers from soul's realm soften dreamscapes' focus, offering new points of view.
Watching synchronicities-meaningful coincidences-disclose important clues
Paying attention to symptoms can reveal what is too painful to remember
but too important to forget .
Oracles invite reflection and flashes of, previously hidden, insight.
This mysterious invisible realm urges us to slow down,
experience the sensuous,
saturated with images and poetic illusions.
It offers a different sensibility, rich with feelings,
and an experience of the sacred.
Why do we care?
Connecting with Soul's realm,
invites a different experience of life--
a more complex beauty,
liberation of imagination and embodied knowing,
and more intimate awareness of nature and wildness.
Stepping into sacred space,
crossing the threshold into soul's unknown,
shadowy realm offers access to missing pieces.
Discarded, often, because they did not fit into a norm.
Reclaiming these offers freedom to chose more life and more love.
Re-weaving Soul's wisdom into life invites wonder, vibrant energy,
celebration of each person's unique gifts
and connection to and place within the web of life.
What is it?
Soul's realm is hard to talk about.
It is invisible, mysterious, often dismissed as unreal,
and outside of the familiar limitations of time and space.
It is the other half of ourselves, invisible, precious,
and sometimes terrifying because it is unknown.
It is not measurable, or scientifically definable
Learning soul's language invites an adventure,
a journey led by inspiration, dreams, and synchronicities,
connections with an invisible wisdom realm--
a soul pursuit!
Soul's realm awaits everyone.
Once experienced there is often a longing for more,and a determination to weave it more fully into life.
How do we find it?
Whispers from soul's realm soften dreamscapes' focus, offering new points of view.
Watching synchronicities-meaningful coincidences-disclose important clues
Paying attention to symptoms can reveal what is too painful to remember
but too important to forget .
Oracles invite reflection and flashes of, previously hidden, insight.
This mysterious invisible realm urges us to slow down,
experience the sensuous,
saturated with images and poetic illusions.
It offers a different sensibility, rich with feelings,
and an experience of the sacred.
Why do we care?
Connecting with Soul's realm,
invites a different experience of life--
a more complex beauty,
liberation of imagination and embodied knowing,
and more intimate awareness of nature and wildness.
Stepping into sacred space,
crossing the threshold into soul's unknown,
shadowy realm offers access to missing pieces.
Discarded, often, because they did not fit into a norm.
Reclaiming these offers freedom to chose more life and more love.
Re-weaving Soul's wisdom into life invites wonder, vibrant energy,
celebration of each person's unique gifts
and connection to and place within the web of life.